They shall not dwell in the LORD's land; but Ephraim shall return to Egypt, and they shall eat unclean things in Assyria. 他们必不得住耶和华的地,以法莲却要归回埃及,必在亚述吃不洁净的食物。
And the land be subdued before the LORD: then afterward ye shall return, and be guiltless before the LORD, and before Israel; and this land shall be your possession before the LORD. 那地被耶和华制伏了,然后你们可以回来,向耶和华和以色列才为无罪,这地也必在耶和华面前归你们为业。
Now therefore arise, and go out of this land, and return into thy native country. 现在你起身,离开这地方,回到你生身之地去。
However, from the perspective of rational people: recently there are many problems in rural land transference market, such as lower return, higher cost, higher risk and the complexity of interests. 然而从理性人的角度,当前农村土地流转市场存在着低收益、高成本、高风险、利益复杂性等问题,这无疑阻碍着农地流转双方进入市场的积极性。
With their choice of assets restricted to expensive land, bank deposits yielding a negative real return and shares rising like a Chinese rocket, investors were hardly being irrational. 由于内地投资者的资产选择被限制在昂贵的土地、实际收益率为负的银行存款以及上升速度像火箭的股票,他们的行为很难说是理性的。
The third phase features another lunar rover, which will land on the moon and return to Earth with lunar soil and stone samples for scientific research, in2017. 2017年,第三期工程中的月球车将登录月球,并取回月球土壤、石头样本以供科学研究所用。
Procedural Posture: Dolan brought an action against the city claiming that the conditional grant of a portion of her land in return for approval of her building permit was an unconstitutional taking. 程序:杜伦起诉称城市要求以其土地一部分作为捐赠后,才批准其请求是违宪取得。
In addition to reducing humanitarian suffering, all nations must work toward a lasting end to the violence in the Holy Land, and a return to the path of peace. 为了减少仁道灾难,所以国家都不惜共同努力,使得在圣地的暴力活动得以终止,冲毁和平之路。
In some cases, the schemes have operated a swap where farmers have given up their land in return for a city hukou. 某些项目提供一种交换计划,即农民放弃自己的土地,以换取城市户口。
Tropical year But to the land whereunto they desire to return, thither shall they not return. 【天】太阳年,回归年27但心中甚想归回之地,必不得归回。
West African farmers may cut a new farm from the bush every one or two years, allowing the land previously cultivated to return to forest. 西非农民可每一年或二年向灌木丛林中开辟新的农场以使得原先开垦出来的土地上长出森林。
Revenue Distribution in Forest Land Circulation; An Estimate of the Return of Commercial Banks in China after the Transition of the Income Structure 林地流转中的收益分配问题及其对策我国商业银行收入结构转型的收益评价
Many Chinese migrants have a plot of land to return to if the city does not work out, rather than having to fester in city slums. 如果在城市生活不下去,许多中国打工者还可以回家种地,而不必在城市的贫民窟里自生自灭。
And they shall not return into the land, whereunto they lift up their mind to return thither. 他们必不能回到他心灵渴望回去的地方。
An offer by a landowner to develop the land in a manner dictated by a potential tenant, in return for a long-term lease from the tenant for the developed land. 地主向一个潜在客户提出的、其要求开发土地的提议,以求获得该客户长期租约作为回报。
Many policymakers have argued that allowing rural citizens to sell their land freely would result in a return to the pre-revolution days of feudal landlords and create a flood of landless poor into the cities. 许多决策者指出,允许农村公民自由出售他们的土地,将导致中国农村回到革命前封建地主的年代,并给城市带来大批无地可耕的穷人。
Feudal knights are given land, fiefs, in return for military service. 封建骑士被授以土地和采邑,同时以军事服务为回报。
Cropper: a person who works land in return for a share of the yield; a sharecropper. 分益佃农:耕种土地以换取收益分成的人;收益分成的佃农。
Bless the land and allow the land to bless you in return along with each kingdom associated of plant, animal, mineral fish or sea creatures, dolphin or whale and creepy crawlers. 祝福土地,允许土地以及每个王国,包括植物,动物,矿石,鱼类,海洋生物,海豚鲸鱼以及爬行生物回报给你祝福。
The imperial government during Shunzhi's time reallocated land to Bannermen, encouraged Manchus to return to Shengjing, and called for Han Chinese to open up land outside of Shanhaiguan. 顺治年时,“龙兴之地”的盛京地区农业歉收,清廷为恢复生产,采取了重新分配旗地,鼓励满族返回盛京,招汉人出关开垦等措施。
The paper gives out the idea that the increment of the land value around the urban railway must return to the project, thinking of the external income of the urban railway project. 从城市轨道交通项目的收益外部性出发,提出了将周边土地的增值补偿给项目本身的思路。
The city land commodity attribute return, the city real estate market start, in the city land resource disposition market mechanism cutting into, all caused the city land in the system, the theory and the technology has had the profound change. 城市土地商品属性的回归、城市房地产市场的兴起、城市土地资源配置中市场机制的切入,都使城市土地在制度、理论与技术上发生了深刻的变化。
Issue on Water Distribution of Hill Land and Return Crop Spots to Forestry in Guyuan District of Ningxia 宁夏固原地区山坡地的水分再分配与退耕还林问题
The authors set up several cultivated land indices, including output benefit coefficient, consumption and return coefficient, pollution and substitution coefficient and intensive cultivation coefficient, to analyze the benefits of cultivated land quantitatively. 该文构造了耕地产出效益系数、耕地消耗回报系数、耕地污染替代系数、耕地利用集约化系数等指标,对我国现有耕地利用效益进行了定量分析。
3, A systematic analyses on the theory and reality of the "ticket income+ nearby land development" return mode; 对票务收入+沿线土地开发的轨道交通的投资回报模式进行系统的理论与实例分析;
Therefore, there is vital practical significance to study the driving mechanism of the urban land expansion and the return to land scale. 因此,研究城市用地扩张的驱动机制和规模收益,有非常重要的现实意义。
The model which expound the forming mechanism of the industries in core city is constructed in the paper and the scale of urban population, land rent, increasing return to scale and production variety are thought in the paper. 文章还建立模型阐述单中心城市产业分层的形成机制。模型考虑了城市人口规模、地租、规模收益递增和产品种类等。
Coupled with the intensive land use, and meet the people return to a natural demand for the faster development of some Chinese cities have started planning and construction of the Country Park. 加上为了实现土地的集约型利用,同时满足市民回归自然的需求,我国部分发展速度比较快的城市纷纷开始规划和建设郊野公园。
In addition, we have to promotes the land system reform, return land ownership to farmers. 此外,推动土地制度改革、恢复耕者有其田的传统,把土地所有权还给农民。